This design features the iconic Bollywood actress Rekha on a silkscreen print on the back with the words “khatarnaak” written 3 times in Urdu. On the front there is a wilted rose screen-printed on with the words “what will you achieve from burning me” written on top.
When purchasing, remember these garments weren’t made in a factory, they’re all screen-printed and the patches are sewn by hand so each garment looks slightly different.
This design features the iconic Bollywood actress Rekha on a silkscreen print on the back with the words “khatarnaak” written 3 times in Urdu. On the front there is a wilted rose screen-printed on with the words “what will you achieve from burning me” written on top.
When purchasing, remember these garments weren’t made in a factory, they’re all screen-printed and the patches are sewn by hand so each garment looks slightly different.
This design features the iconic Bollywood actress Rekha on a silkscreen print on the back with the words “khatarnaak” written 3 times in Urdu. On the front there is a wilted rose screen-printed on with the words “what will you achieve from burning me” written on top.
When purchasing, remember these garments weren’t made in a factory, they’re all screen-printed and the patches are sewn by hand so each garment looks slightly different.