The iconic Saira Banu from the 1973 film Jwar Bhata, but with a twist. Instead of liquor, we have Ms. Banu joyfully pouring rooh afza into a glass. Accompanied by the words “It’s no ordinary sharbat, It’s rooh afza” from an 70’s advertisement in South Asia.
**Note: only the small grey shirt is already cropped and has the sleeves taken off as pictured.
The iconic Saira Banu from the 1973 film Jwar Bhata, but with a twist. Instead of liquor, we have Ms. Banu joyfully pouring rooh afza into a glass. Accompanied by the words “It’s no ordinary sharbat, It’s rooh afza” from an 70’s advertisement in South Asia.
**Note: only the small grey shirt is already cropped and has the sleeves taken off as pictured.
The iconic Saira Banu from the 1973 film Jwar Bhata, but with a twist. Instead of liquor, we have Ms. Banu joyfully pouring rooh afza into a glass. Accompanied by the words “It’s no ordinary sharbat, It’s rooh afza” from an 70’s advertisement in South Asia.
**Note: only the small grey shirt is already cropped and has the sleeves taken off as pictured.